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Hello, I'm

Saurabh Patel

Blockchain Developer

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Blockchain Development

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Undergraduate student
B.S Online Degree

Hello, I'm Saurabh Patel Full stack Blockchain developer creating react/nextjs based webapps/dApps & solidity based smart contracts to build exceptional web3 decentralised applications for modern finance with a keen interest in blockchain technology. I am thrilled to apply for the blockchain developer internship as I am eager to further develop my skills and contribute to innovative projects in the blockchain space. My journey into blockchain began with a curiosity about decentralized systems and their potential to revolutionize various industries. Over the past some years, I have actively engaged in crypto, self-directed learning, and hands-on projects to deepen my understanding of blockchain concepts, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (DApps).

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Blockchain Development

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Decentralized Storage

This project facilitates decentralized image upload and sharing on the blockchain using Solidity for the smart contract and NextJs for the front-end interface. It enables users to securely upload images to IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and share access with specified users through smart contract functionality.

Tech Stack: NextJs, ethers , Hardhat , IPFS

Project One

NFT Staking App -Stake ERC-721 and Earn ERC-20

I have build an ERC-721 staking app, where a user can stake an ERC-721 NFT and earn ERC-20 tokens as a reward in return.

Tech Stack :- NextJs,ethers,ThirdWeb

Project Two

Staking dApp

Where Staking allows users to earn rewards by participating in securing a blockchain network. Stake ERC-20 Token and Earn ERC-20 token.

Tech Stack: NextJs, ethers , shadcn , Hardhat

Project Three

Task Managment

It's task Managment website where users can add thier task, Only Users who signUp/LogIn can access to add Task or show Task . It's a Full stack website.

Tech stack:- NextJs,MongoDB,TailwindCss

Project Four

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